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U.S. Military Sales Deliveries to Foreign Governments, By Country: 1950-1987 [In millions of dollars; for fiscal year ending in year shown.] Country 1950-1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 Total(1) 75,286.9 12,987.2 9,547.5 8,476.9 7,979.6 12,010.3 Australia 2,111.4 322.2 398.2 428.3 370.1 619.4 Belgium 1,189.8 273.0 195.6 119.4 27.8 27.0 Canada 1,588.9 110.6 139.2 73.3 114.4 128.7 China:Taiwan 1,964.9 389.2 274.9 339.5 249.0 387.1 Denmark 794.7 158.6 40.3 47.3 25.2 62.8 Egypt 1,621.0 1,010.4 317.1 580.3 619.5 1,141.9 El Salvador 22.9 28.1 77.0 114.8 108.3 80.3 France 404.0 14.1 45.3 45.5 142.7 100.5 Greece 1,590.8 156.7 104.9 119.1 73.7 86.8 Indonesia 220.2 28.9 15.7 17.8 12.8 24.3 Israel 8,020.8 260.7 216.1 483.1 195.8 1,374.3 Italy 802.0 26.3 54.0 54.9 65.7 89.6 Japan 1,175.8 385.5 333.3 389.7 151.3 306.2 Jordan 964.7 260.9 77.0 122.8 62.8 64.8 Kuwait 668.8 72.2 48.7 34.0 71.9 83.1 Morocco 537.5 50.2 68.6 49.5 37.1 43.3 Netherlands 1,468.1 516.6 402.4 339.4 319.6 459.8 Norway 1,021.9 254.2 191.4 30.0 43.2 92.3 Pakistan 545.7 255.6 452.9 358.0 148.2 135.2 Philippines 176.2 10.6 13.8 16.0 37.3 33.8 Portugal 29.2 12.5 25.5 97.5 26.5 27.8 Saudi Arabia 17,956.6 5,990.5 3,403.3 2,270.7 2,789.6 3,497.0 Singapore 219.3 83.4 32.8 22.4 134.9 163.2 South Korea 2,036.2 297.8 258.0 258.3 387.5 403.9 Spain 891.0 68.1 66.0 92.8 236.0 753.0 Sudan 155.1 12.3 24.6 25.3 27.7 27.1 Thailand 861.4 160.1 164.8 118.9 118.5 110.7 Tunisia 96.2 24.7 84.7 154.8 26.0 44.3 Turkey 978.3 150.2 306.0 389.7 290.3 296.1 United Kingdom 3,119.9 478.3 446.7 386.4 363.8 228.4 Venezuela 264.4 32.8 136.5 243.2 80.3 51.1 West Germany 7,144.0 322.6 336.1 222.2 206.3 344.3 1. Includes countries not shown. Source:U.S. Defense Security Assistance Agency.